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All content on this wiki assumes that you're familiar with basic linear algebra and have some geometric intuition. In particular, you should be comfortable with:

  • vectors as a representation of directions and points in 2D and 3D space
  • matrices as a representation of linear transformations
  • the determinant as a representation of signed area/volume

3Blue1Brown's Essense of Linear Algebra series is an excellent primer.

Additionally, much of the puzzle-related content on this wiki assumes you are comfortable with 3D and 4D twisty puzzles and have some intuitive grasp of spherical and hyperbolic space. If you're able to solve these puzzles, then you're ready:

  • 33
  • 34
  • any hyperbolic puzzle in MagicTile (e.g., "Hyperbolic Rubik")
  • any Euclidean puzzle in MagicTile (e.g., "Torus Rubik")
  • any spherical puzzle in MagicTile (e.g., "Rubik's Cube")