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Color system

The color system is an ordered list of sticker colors. It can be accessed during puzzle construction as puzzle.colors.

Colors can be added to the color system explicitly using puzzle.colors:add() or implicitly using puzzle:carve().

Color indexing

The color system can be indexed by the name or index of a color, or by any of its hyperplanes.

Examples of color indexing
-- Gets the color with the name "L"

-- Gets the first color in the list

-- Gets the color with the plane X=1 (oriented outward)


The color system has no fields.



puzzle.colors:add() adds a color to the color system. It takes a single argument: a string (which will be the name of the color), or a table with data about the color.

The table has the following keys:

  • name is an optional string, and will be the name of the color
  • display is an optional string, and will be the display name of the color
  • default is an optional string, and will be the default for the color

Names should be short (typically 1-3 uppercase letters), but display names can be longer.


puzzle.colors:set_defaults() sets multiple default colors at once. It takes a mapping from colors to strings (the new default colors).


puzzle.colors:rename() renames multiple colors at once. See :rename()


puzzle.colors:swap() swaps two colors in the ordering. See :swap()


puzzle.colors:reorder() changes the ordering of all colors. See :reorder()


  • #puzzle.colors returns the number of colors that have been defined
  • type(puzzle.colors) returns 'colorsystem'
  • tostring(puzzle.colors)
  • ipairs(puzzle.colors)


A color is a color that can be assigned to a sticker. Each color has a list of "surfaces," which are hyperplanes where stickers typically have that color (although they are not required to).

When required as input to a function, a color may be specified as a color object, a color index (integer), or a color name (string).

Each color has a default color, which is a string used to look up the user's preferences for a color. For example, the default color may be 'red', which would default to the user's prefered color named red.


Colors have the following fields:

  • .name is the string name of the color
  • .display is the string name of the color
  • .index is the integer index of the color in the color system
  • .default is the string used to look up the default value for the color

Some fields can be written to:

  • Writing a new string to .name renames the color
  • Writing a new string to .display changes the display name
  • Writing to .index reorders the color to that index, shifting the colors in between
  • Writing a new string to .default changes the default color

All other fields are read-only.


Colors have no methods.


  • type(color) returns 'color'
  • tostring(color)