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An orbit is an iterator over all the unique locations of a set of transformable objects under some symmetry.



Calling the :orbit() method on a symmetry with one or more transformable objects constructs an orbit of those objects. For example, cd'bc3':orbit(vec('x'), vec('y')) constructs an orbit containing 12 elements, since there are twelve unique symmetric locations for the (ordered) pair of vectors \((\langle 1,0,0 \rangle, \langle 0,1,0 \rangle)\) on a cube.


  • .symmetry is the symmetry used to construct the orbit
  • .init is a sequential table containing the elements used to construct the orbit
  • .names is a sequential table containing names assigned to elements using :named()



See orbit:intersection().


orbit:iter() returns a new identical orbit that can be used for iteration. Once an orbit has been iterated over in a for loop, it cannot be used again. See Iteration.


orbit:named() returns a new orbit with names assigned to the elements. It takes as its only argument a table with a specific format.

The keys of the table are the names to assign, and the values are a sequence of mirror reflections, optionally ending with the name of an initial element.

An example will make this clearer:

Example using symmetry:named()
local sym = cd'bc3'
local named_orbit = sym:orbit(sym.oox.unit):named({
  symmetry = sym,
  F = {}, -- oox
  U = {3, 'F'},
  R = {2, 'U'},
  L = {1, 'R'},
  D = {2, 'L'},
  B = {3, 'D'},

In this example, the initial element of the orbit (sym.oox.unit) is assigned the name F, since its mirror sequence is the empty table {}. Starting with F, applying the third mirror brings us to a new element, which is assigned the name U (since U corresponds to the sequence {3, 'F'}; i.e., starting with F, reflect across mirror 3). R is generated from U, etc.

This example also specifies an order for the elements: R is the first element, L' is the second, etc.

This could also be written like this, using longer mirror sequences instead of referring to other elements:

Example using symmetry:named() with no named references
local sym = cd'bc3'
local named_orbit = sym:orbit(sym.oox.unit):named({
  F = {}, -- oox
  U = {3},
  R = {2, 3},
  L = {1, 2, 3},
  D = {2, 1, 2, 3},
  B = {3, 2, 1, 2, 3},

You should never write one of these tables by hand. There are many of them bundled with the default Lua files in Hyperspeedcube, and you can generate new ones using the Developer Tools window in Hyperspeedcube.


See orbit:union().


Orbits support the following operations:

  • #orbit returns the length of the orbit; i.e., the number of iterations
  • type(orbit) returns 'orbit'


Orbit objects can be used in for loops. When iterated over, they yield a transform from the symmetry group, the sequence of initial objects transformed by that symmetry (as separate values, not as a table), and lastly a name (or nil if no name has been assigned for the element).

There may be multiple transforms that produce the same element of the orbit; it is unspecified which one will used when iterating.

Examples iterating over orbits
local symmetries = require('symmetries')
local sym = cd'bc3'

for t, v1, name in sym:orbit(sym.oox):named(symmetries.cubic.FACE_NAMES_LONG) do
  assert(v1 == t:transform(sym.oox))
  print(v1) -- +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z
  print(name) -- Right, Left, Up, Down, Front, Back

for t, face_vector, edge_vector in sym:orbit(sym.oox, sym.oxo) do
  assert(face_vector == t:transform(sym.oox))
  assert(edge_vector == t:transform(sym.oxo))
  -- no names, because we didn't call `:named()`

It is good practice to call :iter() on a symmetry when using it in a for loop, unless the symmetry is constructed inline in a for loop.

Examples of when to use orbit:iter()
local sym = cd'bc3'

-- This is ok, because the symmetry is constructed inline
for _, v in sym:orbit(sym.oox) do

-- This is ok, because we call `:iter()`
local orbit1 = sym:orbit(sym.oox)
for _, v in orbit1:iter() do

-- This is questionable but will work, because we are only using the orbit once
local orbit2 = sym:orbit(sym.oox)
for _, v in orbit2 do

-- This is bad! We are using the same orbit object twice
for _, v in orbit2 do
  -- The contents of this loop will not be executed
  -- because the iterator has been used up

-- This is ok! Calling `:iter()` always gives a fresh iterator
for _, v in orbit2:iter() do

-- This is also ok! Functions that take an orbit as a parameter implicitly call `:iter()`