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A hyperplane is an oriented flat \((d-1)\)-dimensional surface in \(d\)-dimensional space. The orientation of a hyperplane is determined by its normal vector; to flip a hyperplane's orientation, negate its normal vector.

Hyperplanes are also constructed automatically by functions that require them, so you can often omit the call to the constructor plane().

Hyperplanes cannot be mutated once constructed. To modify a hyperplane, you must construct a new hyperplane and then replace the old one.

The examples on this page assume 3D, but the same API works in other dimensions.


All these constructors return a hyperplane with the number of dimensions of the currently active space, and therefore can only be called in a context with a global number of dimensions (such as during the construction of a puzzle). They produce an error if it is called when there is not a global number of dimensions.


plane() constructs a hyperplane and can be called in any of several ways:

  • Table. There are several ways to construct a plane using a table:
    • Calling plane{normal: vector, distance: number}[^omit-braces] constructs the plane with normal vector normal and distance from the origin distance.
    • Calling plane{normal: vector, point: point} constructs the plane with normal vector normal that passes through the point point.
    • Calling plane{pole: vector|point} constructs the plane with pole that passes through the point pole. plane{pole = p} is equivalent to plane{normal = p, point = p} or plane{normal = p, distance = p.mag}.
  • Normal vector and distance. Calling plane() with a vector and a number constructs the plane with the given normal vector and distance from the origin. plane(n, d) is equivalent to plane{normal = n, distance = d}.
  • Pole vector. Calling plane() with a vector or point constructs the plane with that vector as a normal vector that passes through that point. plane(p) is equivalent to plane{pole = p}.
  • Plane. Calling plane() with a blade representing a hyperplane returns the blade unchanged.
Examples of plane construction
-- plane through point (2, -3, 6) with normal vector (2/7, -3/7, 6/7)
plane(vec(2, -3, 6))
plane(point(2, -3, 6))

-- plane through point (1, 0, 0) perpendicular to the X axis
plane{pole = vec(1)} -- note the curly braces!
plane{normal = vec(3), distance = 1}

-- plane through point (1, 0, 0) perpendicular to the X axis, but facing the other way
plane(-vec('x'), -1)

-- plane through the origin with normal vector (0, 0, 1)
plane('z', 0)
plane{normal = 'z', point = vec()}
plane{normal = 'z', distance = 0}


Hyperplanes have the following fields:

  • .ndim is the number of dimensions of the space containing the blade
  • .flip is the same hyperplane, facing the opposite direction
  • .normal is the (normalized) normal vector of the hyperplane
  • .distance is the minimum distance of the hyperplane from the origin
  • .blade is the blade representing the hyperplane
  • .region is the region of space bounded on the side of the hyperplane facing away from the normal vector


Hyperplanes have the following methods:


hyperplane:signed_distance() returns the signed distance of a point to a hyperplane. It takes one argument: a point. The distance returned is zero if the point is on the hyperplane, positive if the point is in the direction of the hyperplane's normal vector, or negative if the point is in the opposite direction.


Hyperplanes support the following operations: