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A blade is a geometric algebra primitive that can be used to represent a vector, a point, a line, a hyperplane, or numerous other geometric objects. Hyperspeedcube uses blades from the Projective Geometric Algebra, but knowledge of geometric algebra is not required in order to use the API effectively.

Blades cannot be mutated once constructed. To modify a blade, you must construct a new blade and then replace the old one.

The examples on this page assume 3D, but the same API works in other dimensions.


All these constructors return a blade with the number of dimensions of the currently active space, and therefore can only be called in a context with a global number of dimensions (such as during the construction of a puzzle). They produce an error if it is called when there is not a global number of dimensions.


vec() constructs a vector and can be called in any of several ways:

  • No arguments. Calling vec() with no arguments returns the zero vector. For example, vec() constructs the blade \(0\), which represents the vector \(\langle 0, 0, 0 \rangle\).
  • Components. Calling vec() with multiple numbers constructs a vector with those components. For example, vec(10, 20, 30) constructs the blade \(10x+20y+30z\), which represents the vector \(\langle 10, 20, 30 \rangle\).
  • Axis name. Calling vec() with a single-character axis string constructs a unit vector along that axis. For example, vec('y') constructs the blade \(y\), which represents the vector \(\langle 0, 1, 0 \rangle\).
  • Table. Calling vec() with a table as its argument assigns each key-value pair to a component of the vector. The key may be a number or a string, using the same mapping as vector component access. For example, vec{10, z = 30}1 constructs the blade \(10x+30y\), which represents the vector \(\langle 10, 0, 30 \rangle\).
  • Vector. Calling vec() with an existing vector will return the vector unmodified.
  • Point. Calling vec() with an existing point will unitize the point then return its coordinates as a vector.

Extra components beyond the number of dimensions of the space are ignored.


point() constructs a point, using the same argument structure as vec(). The returned point is unitized.


blade() constructs a blade and can be called in either of two ways:

  • Scalar. Calling blade() with a scalar value returns a scalar blade. For example, blade(6.5) returns the blade \(6.5\).
  • Blade. Calling blade() with an existing point, vector, or blade returns the value unmodified.


A vector is a direction in space and an associated magnitude. Vectors can be constructed using vec(). Vectors are also constructed automatically by functions that require them, so you can often omit the call to vec().

Vectors are represented as 1-blades with no e0 component.

Vector component access

Vectors can be indexed by positive integers or single-character strings. The following single-letter and single-digit strings are recognized, uppercase or lowercase:

  • my_vector.X = my_vector[1] = X axis
  • my_vector.Y = my_vector[2] = Y axis
  • my_vector.Z = my_vector[3] = Z axis
  • my_vector.W = my_vector[4] = W axis (4th dimension)
  • my_vector.V = my_vector[5] = V axis (5th dimension)
  • my_vector.U = my_vector[6] = U axis (6th dimension)
  • my_vector[7] = 7th dimension
Examples of vector indexing
local my_vector = vec(10, 20, 30)
assert(my_vector.x == 10)
assert(my_vector.Y == 20)
assert(my_vector[3] == 30)

Vector fields

Vectors have the following fields:

  • .unit is the normal vector in the same direction as the original vector
  • .mag2 is the squared magnitude of the vector
  • .mag is the magnitude of the vector

See Blade fields for a full list.

Vector methods

Vectors have all the same methods as general blades. Additionally, they have the following method:

  • :cross(other) returns the 3D cross product between the vector and another vector other, ignoring components other than XYZ

Vector operations

Vectors support the following operations:

  • vector + vector
  • vector - vector
  • vector * float
  • float * vector
  • vector / float
  • -vector
  • vector == vector (uses approximate floating-point comparison)
  • vector ~= vector (uses approximate floating-point comparison)
  • type(vector) (returns 'blade')
  • tostring(vector)
  • pairs(vector)

For + and -, either of the two vectors may be substituted for a value of any other type and it will be converted to a vector using vec(...).


A point is a point in space. Points can be constructed using point(). Points are also constructed automatically by functions that require them, so you can often omit the call to point().

Points are represented as 1-blades, with an e0 component.

See General blades for fields, methods, and operations on points.

Operations on points

Be very cautious when doing operations on points. You can add two points to compute a position between them, but ensure that they are unitized first.

Point component access

Point component access

Accessing components of points (such as p.x) does not return a coordinate of the point unless the point is unitized: use either p.unit.x or p.x / p.e0.

Once a point has been unitized using .unit (see Blade fields), its components can be accessed the same as a vector. The e0 component can be accessed with .e0.

General blades

Blade indexing

Indexing a blade using a string of vector index characters, with the addition of 0 for the e0 component. Additionally, the characters s, e, n, _, and (space) are ignored. By combining these, any component of the blade is accessible.

Examples of blade component access
print(my_scalar_blade.s) -- scalar component

print(my_bivector_blade.xy) -- xy bivector component
assert(my_bivector_blade.xy == -my_bivector_blade.yx)

print(my_trivector_blade.e0_xy) -- e₀xy trivector component

Blade fields

Blades have the following fields:

  1. A vector or point always has grade 1, a bivector has grade 2, etc.
  2. A hyperplane always has antigrade 1.
  3. For a vector, this is a unit vector in the same direction. For a point, this is a unitized point whose components are the point's coordinates.
  4. For a vector, this is the squared length of the vector.
  5. For a vector, this is the length of the vector.
  6. The bulk is a blade comprised of only components with an e0 factor.
  7. The bulk is a blade comprised of only components without an e0 factor.

Useful constructions

Blade methods

Blades have the following methods:

  • :projected_to(other) returns the component of the blade that is parallel to another blade other (i.e., its projection onto other)
  • :rejected_from(other) returns the component of the blade that is perpendicular to another blade other
  • :wedge(other) returns the wedge product between two blades
  • :antiwedge(other) returns the antiwedge product between two blades
  • :dot(other) returns the dot product between two blades
  • :antidot(other) returns the antidot product between two blades

Blade operations

Blades support the following operations:

Example using pairs(blade)
local v = vec(10, 20, 30)
for i, x in pairs(v) do
  print(i) -- 1, 2, 3
  print(x) -- 10, 20, 30

  1. Lua syntax allows omitting the parentheses when calling a function with a table literal or string literal as its only argument. For example, you can write vec{10, z = 30} instead of cd({10, z = 30})