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Color system library

The color system library is the database of all known color systems that are shared by multiple puzzles. The global variable color_systems contains the global color system library.

A color scheme is a mapping from puzzle color (R, U, etc.) to default color (Red, White, etc.). A color system is a set of color names and at least one color scheme.



color_systems:add() adds a color system to the global color system library. It takes two arguments: the unique string ID for the color system (which may be the same as a puzzle ID), and a table containing the color system data with the following keys:

  • name is a string containing the user-facing name of the puzzle
  • colors is a sequential table of color names and display names in order
  • schemes is a sequential table of color scheme definitions
  • default is either a color scheme definition or a string the name of a color scheme defined in schemes

The key colors is required. All other keys are optional.

To use a color system in a puzzle, set the puzzle's colors key to the string ID of the color system. The colors of the puzzle must exactly match its color system.


colors is a sequential table, where each element is a table with the following keys:

  • name is a string containing a name for the color (e.g., R)
  • display is a string containing a user-facing display name for the color (e.g., Right)
  • default is a string containing a default color.

The key name is required. All other keys are optional. default is only allowed when schemes and default are nil.

Color scheme definitions

A color scheme definition is a table mapping puzzle colors to default colors. Each key is a string containing a color name, and the corresponding value is a string representing a default color. Each puzzle color must be assigned a unique default color.

Default colors

A default color is a string corresponding to a color from the global color palette. To get the name of a default color, mouse over it in the color scheme panel in Hyperspeedcube.

Colors from color sets end with a number in square brackets. For example, Red Traid [3] is the third color from the "Red Triad" set.

Colors from gradients end with two numbers in square brackets separated by a slash, where the first number is the index within the gradient and the second number is the total number of colors assigned to the gradient. For Rainbow [3/5] is the third color in the rainbow when five colors have been assigned to it.


  • #puzzles returns the number of puzzles that have been loaded
  • type(puzzles) returns 'puzzledb'


Standard Rubik's cube color system
color_systems:add('cube', {
  name = "Cube",

  colors = {
    { name = 'R', display = "Right" },
    { name = 'L', display = "Left" },
    { name = 'U', display = "Up" },
    { name = 'D', display = "Down" },
    { name = 'F', display = "Front" },
    { name = 'B', display = "Back" },

  schemes = {
    {"Western", {
      R = "Red",
      L = "Orange",
      U = "White",
      D = "Yellow",
      F = "Green",
      B = "Blue",
    {"Japanese", {
      R = "Red",
      L = "Orange",
      U = "White",
      D = "Blue",
      F = "Green",
      B = "Yellow",

  default = "Western",
Standard Rubik's hypercube color system
color_systems:add('hypercube', {
  name = "Hypercube",

  colors = {
    { name = 'R', display = "Right", default = "Red" },
    { name = 'L', display = "Left",  default = "Orange" },
    { name = 'U', display = "Up",    default = "White" },
    { name = 'D', display = "Down",  default = "Yellow" },
    { name = 'F', display = "Front", default = "Green" },
    { name = 'B', display = "Back",  default = "Blue" },
    { name = 'O', display = "Out",   default = "Pink" },
    { name = 'I', display = "In",    default = "Purple" },